General Info general info about table filtering and export/import cmd configuration

Tacacs Command Sets. General Info

Section Content

Table Overview

Table Overview

Top Buttons

Button Description
used to add new command set
Filter used to filter main table. There are filter attributes below in that section
apply action to selected elements (rows)
hide/show more columns

Rows Selection

To select rows one by one hold on Ctrl key. To select range of rows hold on Shift key. Like it shown on the picture below.

Rows Selection

Configuration Preview

To preview tacacs Command Set configuration click on preview button, like it shown on the picture below.

Configuration Preview

Table Filtering

To filter the table use Filter field, like it done on the picture below

Table Filtering

Filtering Conditions

Condition Description
= implicit equal
!= implicit not equal
== equal
!== not equal
, bool AND
=” an attribute equals empty value (not all attribute can be filtered by that condition)


name=no_show – it means, you try to find row where cmd configuration name contains (=) “no_show”.

Filter Attributes

Attribute Type Description
name string service name
cmd string first cmd attribute, e.g. show or configure

CSV Export/Import

With CSV file you can easily add bunch of Command Sets.

CSV Export All Data

To export all data click on button, that prepare export file. Then click on Download link and save file on your local disk.

CSV Export Selected Items

To export part of data, select items, click on button and then click on Export Selected (CSV), that prepare export file. Then click on button and save file on your local disk.

CSV Import

CSV file must contain header with list of attribute names and data. Attribute names in the table below.

Attribute Name Type Description
name (Required!) string unique service name
type (Reserved for the future goals!) string by default cisco
cmd (Required!) string main command attribute (argument), e.g. show or configure
cmd_attr string list of command attributes (arguments) separated by ;;, e.g. version;;/^ip.*/ (can be set as regular expression)
cmd_permit_end integer if set, at the and of list will apeared permit .*, else nothing appeared (0 – disabled, 1 – enabled)
message_deny string send message when user have tried to execude that set of commands and the access was restricted
message_permit string send message when user have tried to execude that set of commands and the access was permited
manual string configure manual settings for that cmd set (it appeared in the end of the list, but before permit .* if it set)

To Import CSV file, choose file from your local disk, select csv separator ( , or ; ) and push the button.

Successful Import

Don't Forget to Apply the configuration!

Changes will take effect only after configuration apply!

Author: Alexey Mochalin; Created at: 2018-11-22 09:36:32; Updated at: 2018-11-23 14:02:12