General Info general info about table filtering and export/import device configuration

Tacacs Devices. General Info

Section Content

Table Overview

Table Overview

Top Buttons

Button Description
+ Add Device used to add new device (NAS)
Filter used to filter main table. There are filter attributes below in that section
apply action to selected elements (rows)
hide/show more columns

Rows Selection

To select rows one by one hold on Ctrl key. To select range of rows hold on Shift key. Like it shown on the picture below.

Rows Selection

Configuration Preview

To preview device configuration click on preview button, like it shown on the picture below.

Configuration Preview

Table Filtering

To filter the table use Filter field, like it done on the picture below

Table Filtering

Filtering Conditions

Condition Description
= implicit equal
!= implicit not equal
== equal
!== not equal
, bool AND
=” an attribute equals empty value (not all attribute can be filtered by that condition)


name=dev, ipaddr=10. – it means, you try to find row where device name contains (=) “dev” and (,) where ip address contains ’10.’.

Filter Attributes

Attribute Type Description
name string device name
ipaddr string ip address of device
disabled integer find disabled devices (1 – disabled, 0 – enabled)
group integer (group id) ID of group that device belong
model string device model
vendor string device vendor
type string device type
sn string device serial number
acl integer (acl id) acl that belong to device

CSV Export/Import

With CSV file you can easily add bunch of devices.

CSV Export All Data

To export all data click on button, that prepare export file. Then click on Download link and save file on your local disk.

CSV Export Selected Items

To export part of data, select items, click on button and then click on Export Selected (CSV), that prepare export file. Then click on button and save file on your local disk.

CSV Import

CSV file must contain header with list of attribute names and data. Attribute names in the table below.

Attribute Name Type Description
name (Required!) string device name
ipaddr (Required!) string ip address of device
prefix (Required!) integer prefix, integer from 8 to 32
key (Required!) string tacacs key
enable string enable password
enable_flag integer 0 – clear text password, 1 – md5 hash
enable_encrypt integer 1 – make hash. E.g., if enable=123, enable_flag=1 and enable_encrypt=1, the enable password will be turned into hash string
disabled integer disabled devices (1 – disabled, 0 – enabled)
group (Required!) integer (group id) ID of group that device belong
model string device model
vendor string device vendor
type string device type
sn string device serial number
acl integer (acl id) acl that belong to device
user_group integer (user group id) default user group for that device
connection_timeout integer timeout of idle time
banner_welcome string welcome banner
banner_motd string Message Of The Day
banner_failed string bad authentication banner
manual string manual configuration for that device

To Import CSV file, choose file from your local disk, select csv separator ( , or ; ) and push the button.

Successful Import

Don't Forget to Apply the configuration!

Changes will take effect only after configuration apply!

Author: Alexey Mochalin; Created at: 2018-11-01 22:29:41; Updated at: 2018-11-26 11:08:11