Run Tacacs Daemon run tacacs for the first time

Run Tacacs daemon


To run tac_plus daemon for the first time you should just “Apply Configuration”. You don’t have to change the configuration.
  1. Open GUI for the first time

    if you want to use http use default port 8008, if https – 4443

    http://<server ip address>:8008/

    https://<server ip address>:4443/

    default username and password are tacgui/tacgui

  2. Here the system can ask you to change password then it will create database and finally you will reach the Dashboard page

  3. Important! Run Tacacs daemon for the first time

    To run tac_plus daemon for the first time you should “Apply Configuration”.

    Move to Tacacs ConfigurationTest & Apply – click Apply button. Congrats! Your tacacs daemon is running.

Author: Alexey Mochalin; Created at: 2018-11-02 10:03:58; Updated at: 2019-05-21 10:02:48